sâmbătă, 25 aprilie 2009

Şi plantele trăiesc ...

Un lujer se scaldă în lacrima dulce a cerului. Se uită în sus şi vrea să păşească...dar glia nu-l lasă.

Grăbit, se zbate, se agită, vrea să se descătuşeze ... Îşi întinde mâinile către cer :
-Ajută-mă să vin la tine. Nu mai vreau să plângi.

Ploaia se-nteţeşte. Picioarele-i firave încep să se afunde în marea de nămol. Dar nu cedează; ajunge mai sus.. şi mai sus... Mai este puţin.

Ploaia s-a oprit. Acum cerul radiază de bucurie. S-a mai născut un arbore.

miercuri, 8 octombrie 2008

Long time no see :)

Yeah .. i've been away. Dar asta este :D. Revenim ...

Metallica a scos un nou album =P~ ( it was about time !! ). Pare bun .. mult mai bun decat St. Anger.

What i like until now :

All nightmare long

Lyrics :

Luck. Runs. Out.
Crawl from the wreckage one more time
Horrific memory twists the mind
Dark, rugged, cold and hard to turn
Path of destruction, feel it burn
Still life
Still life

Still you run, what's to come?
What's today?

'Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck. Runs.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out


Luck. Runs. Out.

The light that is not light is here
To flush you out with your own fear
You hide, you hide, but will be found
Release your crypt without a sound

Still life
Still life

Still you run, what's to come?
What's today?

'Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Luck. Runs.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

Then you crawl back in
Into your obsession
Never to return
This is your confession

Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck. Runs.

You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

Your luck runs out.

Unforgiven III

Lyrics :

How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea, but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure.
Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid, always afraid,
Of the things he's feeling.
He could just be gone.
He would just sail on
He'll just sail on.

How can I be lost, if I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold, how come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost? In remembrance I relive.
And how can I blame you, when it's me I can't forgive?

These days drift on inside a fog
(It's) Thick and suffocating.
His sinking life, outside its hell
Inside, intoxicating.
He's run aground. Like his life,
Water much too shallow.
Slipping fast, down with his ship
Fading in the shadows.
Now a castaway.
They've all gone away.
They've gone away.

How can I be lost, if I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold, how come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost? In remembrance I relive.
And how can I blame you, when it's me I can't forgive?

Forgive me.
Forgive me not.
Forgive me.
Forgive me not.
Forgive me.
Forgive me not.
Forgive me.
(Forgive me) Why can't I forgive me?

Set sail to sea, but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure.
How could he know this new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?
How can I be lost, if I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold, how come its got so cold?
How can I be lost? In remembrance I relive.
So how can I blame you, when it's me I can't forgive?

I highly recommend that you buy the album. :D So ... Until the next time cand voi avea chef sa mai scriu ... Ta ta :-h

marți, 11 decembrie 2007

Pics and videos

Cum sa te plictisesti intr-o lume atat de diversificata si interesanta? Cum sa nu razi cand altii au idei traznite si le pun in aplicare?

So ... postez cateva poze dragute (cred eu). Cateva funny, cateva de la Targul de Suveniruri si Cadouri de la Romexpo ( which sucked by the way) si un videoclip cu o idee originala . Hope uou like it.

PS : Am gasit prin Piata Romana continuarea "agendelor electronice" :D (omul e un geniu . :)) ) .

UUUUU ... Christmas =P~

A venit Mosul :D \:D/

No comment ...

Again ... no comment...

Urban Art .. gasit pe la Lipscani .. copyright to the makers ;)

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

Last but not least :

Daft Hands - o idee originala pusa in practica pe melodia "Harder,Better,Faster,Stronger" de la Daft Punk.

duminică, 9 decembrie 2007

De ce sa zambim?

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. " Phyllis Diller

Citat din Wikipedia, continuare la Zambeste

"Relaxation and sleep

“The focus on the benefits of laughter really began with Norman Cousins' memoir, Anatomy of an Illness. Cousins, who was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a painful spine condition, found that a diet of comedies, like Marx Brothers films and episodes of Candid Camera, helped him feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter allowed him two hours of pain-free sleep.”

Physical fitness

It has been estimated by scientists that laughing 100 times equals the same physical exertion as a 10 minute workout on a rowing machine or 15 minutes on a stationary exercise bike. Laughing works out the diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles.

However, William Fry, a pioneer on laughter research, in an article for WebMd was said to indicate that it “took ten minutes on a rowing machine for his heart rate to reach the level it would after just one minute of hearty laughter.”


Nearly 2/3 of people with asthma reported having asthma attacks that were triggered by laughter, according to a study presented at the American Thoracic Society annual meeting in 2005. It did not seem to matter how deep of a laugh the laughter entailed, whether it be a giggle, chuckle, or belly laugh, says Stuart Garay, M.D., clinical professor of medicine at New York University Medical Center in New York.

Patients were part of an 18 month long program who were evaluated for a list of asthma triggers. The patients did not have any major differences in age, duration of asthma, or family history of asthma. However, exercise-induced asthma was more frequently found in patients who also had laughter-induced asthma, according to the study. 61% of laughter induced asthma also reported exercise as a trigger, as opposed to only 35% without laughter-induced asthma. Andrew Ries, M.D. indicates that “it probably involves both movements in the airways as well as an emotional reaction.”

Strengthening muscles

In addition to helping in many other ways, laughing is also clinically proven to strengthen the abdomen. Jared B. Cohen, Ph.D has run many experiments on laughing at his laboratory in Newark, New Jersey and says "Laughing not only helps your heart, but it also helps you look good for the beach". Although some think it is impossible that something as simple and painless as laughing can strengthen one's abdomen, 14 out of every 15 of Cohen's patients said that laughing was a better, and more humorous workout than sit-ups or crunches. To make laughing a truly effective workout, one must laugh for at least 30 seconds until they feel a small burning sensation."

I just can't write today ... asa ca va las cu niste linkuri:

The umbilical brothers - these guys rock!

Some funny acting

marți, 4 decembrie 2007

"Without music life would be a mistake." Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

So true.. so true. In ultima vreme am realizat ca toti ne invartim in jurul muzicii. Vrand, nevrand, ajungem la discutii legate de acest subiect, ascultam o melodie sau ne schimbam parerea despre cineva in functie de ce asculta. Muzica ne guverneaza viata intr-un mod tainic. Te plimbi prin marele oras si peste tot vezi oameni cu niste chestiute mici in urechi, care se ascund de forfota cotidiana prin melodiile preferate. Cand asculti muzica ta, nu te mai deranjeaza atat de tare ca te-a calcat cineva, sau ca a intrat in fata ta la coada.. Muzica te relaxeaza, iti mangaie gandul...

Legat de aceasta tema, va impartasesc "playlist"-ul pe care il ascult saptamana asta (sau cel putin melodiile care se afla la ora actuala pe mobil).. Ps: Gusturile mele variaza mult, ascult orice rock :P :

Amorphis - Black Embrace

Enslavement Of Beauty
- Be Thou My Lethe And Bleeding Quietus

Enslavement Of Beauty
- Malignant Midwinter Murders

Static X - So

Static X - Bled For Days

Static X - Stem

Super Joint Ritual
- The Knife Rises

Accept sugestii .... nu prea mai stiu ce sa ascult :-s.

sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2007

Tara noastra-i tara noastra, Melodie dulce-albastra

Incep un ciclu de posturi (nu neaparat consecutive) legate de Romania. Nu sunt un patriot convins, dar exista lucruri in si despre aceasta tara care merita cunoscute. Voi incerca sa ating cat mai multe domenii (istorie, geografie, personalitati etc.) pentru a crea o imagine cat mai clara a tarii noastre.

Let us begin .. Istoria e primul lucru care imi sare in minte cand ma gandesc la diferentele dintre a noastra patrie si restul lumii. Putine tari se pot bucura de o comoara abundenta formata din coliere de evenimente, tesaturi de traditii si nestemate pline de idei precum detinem noi, romanii.

Suntem descendetii bravilor daci, un popor mandru, fara frica de moarte, ce erau cunoscuti in vechile scripturi drept "poporul nemuritorilor" si "cei mai drepti si mai viteji dintre traci". Stramosii nostri .. o aglomeratie de triburi si dave (dava = cetate) ce s-a ridicat si a scris istorie cu pana vitejiei. Ascensiunea dacilor a fost condusa de Burebista, descris de greci intr-o inscriptie din Dionysopolis ca fiind "cel dintâi şi cel mai mare dintre regii din Tracia". "Ajungând în fruntea neamului său...getul Burebista l-a înălţat atât de mult...încât, a ajuns să fie temut şi de romani." (Strabon (63 î.Ch. - 19 d.Ch.) . In urma numeroaselor victorii in luptele purtate cu neamurile vecine, regatul dacic a atins intiderea sa maxima. Burebista a realizat o reforma politico-religioasa (bazata pe "abstinenţă şi sobrietate şi ascultare de porunci") si a mutat capitala de la Argedava (cetate situata in localitatea Mihailesti, Giurgiu) la Sarmizegetusa.

Atentia romanilor era indreptata de mult catre daci. Cezar a avut intentia de a initia o expeditie impotriva dacilor in anul 44 i.Ch., dar acesta a fost asasinat.

Prima expeditie romana impotriva dacilor a avut loc in anul 85 impotriva lui Duras (Diurpaneus), dupa care liderul dac a fost fortat sa cedeze conducerea lui Decebal. Acesta a incercat sa tina piept unei secunde expeditii, in anul 88, incheiata cu victoria romanilor, dar din cauza complicatiilor survenite pe alte campuri de lupta, romanii au fost nevoiti sa incheie un act de pace.

Pacea insa nu a durat mult. La inceputul anului 101, imparatul roman Traian a atacat Dacia cu o armata de 14 legiuni. Superioritatea romana si-a facut efectul, Decebal fiind invins. In anul 102, conducatorul dac a fost silit sa incheie un act de pace prin care acesta trebuia sa darame zidurile cetatilor, sa cedeze o serie de teritorii si sa renunte la independenta politica pe plan extern.

Urmatorul asediu a luat loc in anul 105. Decebal, abandonat de aliati, atacat din Banat, Valea Oltului si Moldova, se retrage la Sarmizegetusa. In urma asediului, cetatea ingenuncheaza in fata romanilor, insa Decebal reuseste sa fuga impreuna cu alte capetenii. Urmarit de cavaleria romana, tradat de unul dintre capetenii, Decebal se sinucide pentru a nu cadea viu in mainile dusmanului.

joi, 29 noiembrie 2007

Bucurestiul in imagini ...

Fascinanta noastra capitala. Cu multe cladiri, parcuri ... si mai ales cu multi oameni. Va prezint 3 poze facute in Bucuresti care nu mai merita comentariu, ci doar un simplu ":)".

Pensie de la ING

Pofta buna !

Un proiect lipit pe la Universitate.